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Marijuana Companies Helping Veterans

With many people voting for marijuana legislation on November 8th, it is important to remember that veterans suffer daily from depression, PTSD, injuries and many other ailments that cannabis can help with. The statistics of veteran suicide are incredibly high, with veterans 57% more likely to commit suicide than those that did not serve.

When it comes to how cannabis and the cannabis industry can help this issue specifically, a few companies have thrown their hat into the ring. In Oklahoma, Mango Cannabis has teamed up with Veteran X to raise funds to help prevent veterans suicide by offering veteran discounts, as well as discounts for donating, non-veterans.

In Canada, Buds by Cannilux has pledged to donate 5% of all net profits to Veteran House Charity. In Massachusetts, Chill Medicated has announced that it will donate $1 from every product sold in Nomveber to organizations that participate in veteran suicide prevention awareness.

Weed for Warriors Project is a lifestyle brand that helps provide safe cannabis access to veterans, as well as provide rehabilitation programs and offer community engagement efforts. If you are in PA or NJ and know a veteran who needs help and think that cannabis could be the lifeline that they need, reach out to the project. You never know how big of an impact just one act can have.

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