Cannabis for Christmas

With the Holiday season already here and last-minute gift ideas starting to pop up in all of our minds, it’s a great time to get family members and friends into the right headspace regarding cannabis and cannabis use.

The holidays is a time when everyone comes together, and oftentimes when families have fun as one big unit on the day of Christmas, or throughout the nights of Hanukkah, This can be a great way to introduce some members of the family to the benefits of cannabis, in a safe and respectful place, around those they love.

For instance, I have a medical card and my grandfather was against getting one for himself, even though he has severe back pain and tightness, from years of standing on his feet as a factory worker. I finally convinced him to eat a 10MG edible at a family gathering last year and his pain went away–he got his card two weeks later and now takes CBD every single day, in what he calls “life-changing” events.

So whether it’s informing your loved ones, or letting them see for themselves, the Holidays is a great time to break down that wall. Also, a lot of dispensaries and medical marijuana facilities have holiday-specific deals, similar to black Friday, so check out your spot to see if you can get yourself a holiday present, for less than usual.

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